Anti-Gravity Treadmill
What is the AlterG Treadmill?
The AlterG is a treadmill that has a pressurized air bubble that allows you to run at a percentage of your body weight. Since air pressure is used as the lifting force, it feels comfortable and allows you to run or walk with your full range of motion and normal running or walking mechanics.
It's fun and easy to use!
You control gravity by choosing a weight between 20-100% of your body weight. Run or walk like you are on the moon!
The FDA considers the AlterG Treadmill a medical device and can be used for treating a variety of conditions including:
For CLA clients, this is a great way to increase training volume with less impact, build speed and running endurance, learn to increase leg turnover and cadence, improve range of motion and move more! For those who have experienced injury or have a history of injury, the AlterG treadmill can allow you safely train without pain. If you've struggled with speed workouts or adding running/walking mileage, come try running on air!
Contact Coach Lesley to book your initial session on the AlterG in a private gym. Packages are available.
Note: Use of the AlterG requires a close-fitting neoprene shorts which Coach Lesley will provide for your initial session.
The AlterG is a treadmill that has a pressurized air bubble that allows you to run at a percentage of your body weight. Since air pressure is used as the lifting force, it feels comfortable and allows you to run or walk with your full range of motion and normal running or walking mechanics.
It's fun and easy to use!
You control gravity by choosing a weight between 20-100% of your body weight. Run or walk like you are on the moon!
The FDA considers the AlterG Treadmill a medical device and can be used for treating a variety of conditions including:
- Rehabilitation after lower extremity injury or surgery
- Aerobic conditioning and weight control
- Gait training with neurological patients
- Strength and conditioning for older adults.
For CLA clients, this is a great way to increase training volume with less impact, build speed and running endurance, learn to increase leg turnover and cadence, improve range of motion and move more! For those who have experienced injury or have a history of injury, the AlterG treadmill can allow you safely train without pain. If you've struggled with speed workouts or adding running/walking mileage, come try running on air!
Contact Coach Lesley to book your initial session on the AlterG in a private gym. Packages are available.
Note: Use of the AlterG requires a close-fitting neoprene shorts which Coach Lesley will provide for your initial session.
After I had a bone stress reaction in my foot 14 weeks before my planned marathon, I was determined to at least finish the marathon. Having access to Coach Lesley's Alter-G treadmill allowed me to maintain running fitness with no pain and helped me develop a plan for run/walk intervals as healing progressed. I finished the marathon with no injury issues and went on to finish another marathon a month later. I found it really fun to use and even though I'm all recovered, I still use the AlterG to add another quality running day with no impact . AlterG user ~ Andria