As runners, we love to run. Right?!?
We don’t love to do all the requisite work that running for most of us requires. At ChelanCamp this year, we were all reminded of this when listening to our guest speakers Alison Gillespie and Cari Matthews of Prevail Physical Therapy group. How often do you skip strength work, stretching or foam rolling because there simply is not enough time in the day? Yet, you made sure to get in your running miles? We are all guilty of this at times. Most of the time we don’t think much about it until an injury creeps upon us or an injury forces us to stop running. Then we frantically put in ALL the strength and stretching we can. Rinse. Repeat. We were inspired to learn that there are some simple exercises that take just a few minutes and can give a good baseline of where each runner is. For the beginner or the most seasoned of runners, it is good every now and then to take a minute and rewind and go back to the beginning and think about the little things that running requires and that will keep us all running longer. Check in and see how you respond and where you may need to do some work. We want you active and running for life. Your body will thank you!